woensdag 1 juni 2011

Window Shutters & Stained Glass!

Trying to decide what to do with the living room windows.  It seems a shame to cover them up with heavy blinds or curtains so we think we have found the perfect solution!  Dutch Plantation Shutters! 

I am so looking forward to ripping down the false ceiling which is currently there (for some reason in the 60's and 70's it became popular to cover up those beautiful old high ceilings with lower ones) - I guess it was to conserve heat!  We are really hoping that when we pull them down the original ornate ceiling is still there which will really open up the room and lets lots of light in through the sash windows...but we won't know until we get hacking at it....all part of the surprise!

The plan also is to replace the upper panes of glass with stained glass so looking at some designs at the moment......below is what we have in mind......

The Living Room Windows

Hoping to Find Something like this!


1 opmerking:

  1. Hey Lynda,
    Heb je die foto's al online gezet die je gemaakt hebt met hemelvaartsdag op de korenmarkt? Je had een mooie foto van ons gemaakt, zou die graag terug willen zien. We kunnen hem namelijk niet terugvinden..
    Liefs, Saranke & Tiffany
