vrijdag 3 juni 2011

New Restaurant in Arnhem!

To take a break from the house yesterday evening we had a wander about in the centre of Arnhem.  As it was a public holiday there was lots going on, free concerts and fairground.  I tasted for the very first time Dutch Poffertjes.....oh my God they are the most delicious things ever!!! Instant heart attack guaranteed but definitely worth it.  They are served with melted butter and icing sugar....

Frank taking a break!
Afterwards we went for a cold beer and wine at my sister Jan's favourite bar when she is in town Arnhemsmeisje

My sister Jan and me in a clog!
Jan (my sister in Dublin) has a great eye for interior design and is a terrific photographer so will be consulting her on a regular basis for advice, wine and chats via Skype!

And then our find of the evening!  We bumped into our friends Benny & Milan.  Turns out Benny's brother has just taken over Mona's Restaurant in Arnhem.  By the looks of the food coming out of the kitchen it is well worth a visit!  Check out http://www.monasrestaurant.nl/  it is behind Jansplatz.

Introducing Benny and the lovely Milan!

Interior of Mona's

Finished the evening off at an open air concert on the Korenmarkt where I had a lot of trouble trying to find the bar!

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