dinsdag 21 juni 2011

Keys & Starting Work

Haven't had a chance to post as we have been really busy the last week with the house.  We got the keys last Tuesday and after a quick glass of champagne started the work.  We started first with the living room ceiling which had an ugly 1970's false ceiling fitted over the original one.

We were really hoping that when we started to pull it down that the original would be there just as it is in the dining room which was not touched.

Dining Room Ceiling in Perfect Condition

Frank started to hack away while we waited to see what was underneath!

Unfortunately a disappointment awaited us.  Whoever fitted the false ceiling in the 1970's literally just shredded parts of the original one to support steel brackets to the joists with absolutely no regard for the preservation and beauty of the original ceiling.  I guess this was just the times and the priority was to keep heat in the room but what a shame as it could have easily been done without wrecking the original. 

What Lies Beneath!

Unfortunately we had to pull it down as it had gone beyond repair :(  A bit of a disappointment not to mention eating into our budget but on the upside it did allow us to install new insulation and although we will have to get a specialist to recreate what should be there I think the finished result should be great!

While it was hard work and absolutely filthy I think even now the difference is worth it!



1 opmerking:

  1. Pity about the ceiling but it will look great when restored to its former glory.
