woensdag 3 augustus 2011

Six Weeks On!

Well as you can see I have not posted anything in July because we have been really busy absolutely gutting the house!  There was a lot more "beneath" than we expected.  Some nice surprises of original features and some not so nice woodworm!  When we took the old ceilings down in the bedrooms we found some signs of woodrot.  Not a major problem once dealt with by the experts and within a week a chap arrived at the door looking like a Dutch Ghostbuster and cured the problem within an hour :)

Last week our builder Jan van Beek started and already we are seeing great progress.  He has knocked down the wall between the kitchen and dining room and I'm really delighted as it opens up the space and makes it really light.  Here are some pics!

We also bought the floor tiles which are an original Victorian design we found at a store really close by.  Result!

This week the guys are working hard on replacing the ceilings which is actually a much bigger job than taking out that wall!  Photos to follow shortly........

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