zondag 5 juni 2011

What to do with the Guest Room!

We have left the poor old guest room neglected without any plans of what exactly we are going to do with it.   The first and largest room is towards the front of the house and is quite light as it is south facing.  It also has its original fireplace in tact!  I think the previous owner was going through a "Shanghai Surprise" moment when it was decorated!  Definitely going to lose the red walls and brighten it up a bit!  Also when we dig down 30cm and knock out those ceilings I think we will see a big difference!

I think maybe the way to go is for a really fresh "New England" look here as this room has the nice decked boards feature going around the walls.  We are very fortunate in that this house has so many of the original features still in tact so there is a lot to work with.

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