maandag 13 juni 2011

A Slovenian Wedding!

Well tomorrow we finally get the keys for the house!  I can hardly believe how quickly the time has passed since we agreed the sale!  We had an absolute treat this weekend, we drove to Slovenia for the wedding of Frank's cousin Bas and his beautiful new wife Adela!  Frank was very proud to be the Best Man!  What a amazing country.

We set out really early last Friday with Frank's sister Gonnie and decided to take it in turns to do the driving.  The drive was 1,200KM in total so we did 400KM a piece.  I went first to get it over with (clever!).

We drove through Germany and Austria, the views were incredible.  I had never been in Austria before and it really is everything you think it will be!  The most dramatic landscape of the Alps with beautiful wooden Alpine houses all overflowing with flowers from their balconies dotted throughout the countryside.  Truly beautiful!

We got stuck in a traffic jam outside of one of the mountain tunnels but with scenery like this it didn't bother us at all!

Finally we made our way to the Slovenian border and on to the village of Črniče near Nova Gorica where we checked into our Slovenian farmhouse Arcadia Cijoj.   What a place!  We were welcomed on to the candlelit terrace with a glass of their home produced Cijoj wine.  After a 12 hour journey it was a real treat!  If you ever have the chance to visit Slovenia you should spend some time at the Cijot farmhouse. 

Silva the lady of the house is the most charming, friendly and interesting host you could wish for.  She has also featured in the US Gourmet Magazine.  Her daughter Maja was Slovenia's Wine Queen in 2006. 

Website of Arkade-Cijoj

After a good nights sleep we threw open the windows to find the most amazing view!  After a nice shower we had breakfast with homemade bread, jams, cured meats, cheese and delicious farm produced eggs all washed down with Cijoj's own Elderflower cordial!

Then it was off to the welcome appertif at the house of Bas and Adela.   They have a beautiful house in the village of Sempeter.  The sun was shining and we had more delicious Slovenian delicacies washed down with oodles of cold white Chardonnay.

Time to head off to the castle where the ceremony would take place. 

The ceremony was beautiful and took place on a small island on a lake.  Afterwards we were treated to a glass of champagne and cold fruits overlooking the countryside.  Then a short walk up the hill where there was yet another reception of wines, cold meats, cheeses and entertainment by the wedding singers.


There was another short service in a small gallery behind the church were we had speeches and poetry in Slovenian and Dutch and more beautiful singing by the choir.

Just when you thought it could not get any better we headed off to the Wedding Dinner at  in the centre of the Vineyards.  Another glass of cold champage later myself and Frank couldn't resist sneaking off to the middle of the vineyards for a photo opportunity!

The bride and groom had their first dance and we were escorted into the restaurant by the most fantastic gyspy band playing traditional Slovenian music.  They played all through the dinner and after copious amounts of red wine the Dutch in their usual party style started the singing and dancing!

What a night!  Right at the end Bas and Adela cut the cake as is Slovenian tradition and we prepared to say good night but of course the band kept on playing and Bas invited us all for snaps in the wine cellar of the restaurant.  What a party!  The band kept playing (even Christy Moore songs featured) so I was delighted with myself!   Finally we tore the arse out of the night and it really was "Time to Say Goodbye".  The band gave me a gift of two of their CD's as I had accompanied them singing a Christy Moore song.  So I was thrilled with myself!

We hit the hay like sacks of potatoes and didn't wake up until noon the next day where we had yet another of Sliva's amazing breakfasts and reluctantly hit the road back to Holland but not before a visit to Silva's wine cellar where we bought a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and chardonnay and two pots of her delicious strawberry jam!  What a weekend, what an experience, what fantastic people the Slovenian's are.  If you ever get the opportunity you have the visit this little country!!!

We arrived back in Holland at approx. 2am then it was straight to bed!  Spending today chilling out in preparation of tomorrow the big day!  Formal exchange of the keys of the house at 09:45 in the morning (Tuesday) and we become the proud new owners of our 1905 house.  We have a bottle of champagne chilling the fridge already to enjoy before the hard work begins!

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