dinsdag 31 mei 2011

What to do about the Floors!?!?

Well we hadn't intended on pulling up the floors in the living room & dining room but on our last viewing when we saw the rooms empty, the floors that are there are not so great and are buckling a bit so we have decided to replace them and bang goes the budget already!!!  We found a great oak floor from a company in Zwolle (30 mins from Arnhem).  I think it will look great when its done.

To keep in our budget the plan is to pull up the existing floor carefully so we can reuse it downstairs in the bedrooms....yes you heard right!  Just to add to the confusing layout of the house the bedrooms are located in what was the original kitchen.  Below you can see where the old range was located and the original kitchen cupboards.  I think people must have been much smaller back in 1905 as the ceiling height is pretty low (not a problem for me being so short) but for Frank its a bit of a dilemma!  So we are going to dig down into the basement floor by 30cms or so and take down the ceilings which we think were added in more recent times to increase the head height.  Its messy, difficult and not cheap so not particularly looking forward to that part of the process! :(  We think it will be worth it in the end though.  Any advice from anybody who has done something like this is much appreciated!

The Old Range & Original Cupboard

Original Entrance to the Basement Kitchen

Lynda x

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